Friday, September 4, 2009


VPIS displaying the current station(NS23 Somerset)

C751B exterior

Emergency Communication Button(ECB)for use in emergency

 Bulider plates showing which company manufactured the train as the C751B is manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Nippon Sharyo

A VPIS display showing the terminating station for the train and a LCD showing a video in the background(as of now,the VPIS and the LCDs are not in operation)

A Door Closing Warning Light(DCWL) that warns commuters that the train doors are about to close

A VPIS display showing the date and time

These pictures depict a VPIS display on a Kawasaki Heavy Industries C751B undergoing a test program.The VPIS used to show train service information like the train's terminating station,doors closing warning messages,the current station the train is at,the next station,interchange stations,seasonal messages(Merry Christmas) and occasionally the date and time.The VPIS is currently turned off or turned on but could only display test messages and the date and time since the new announcement was introduced in early 2008.The VPIS will be replaced with vacuum florescent displays(VFDs) which is part of the SMRT Active Route Map Information System(STARIS).

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